The First in Japan! Jointly developed vessel mounted Bunkering Boom for Ammonia
東京貿易ホールディングス 株式会社日本初!船舶搭載型アンモニア用『バンカリングブーム』を共同開発
TB Global Technologies Ltd. (Tokyo; Laurent Poidevin, President; hereinafter "TBG"), a group company
of Tokyo Boeki Holdings Corporation (Tokyo; Hideshige Tsubouchi, President), signed a basic agreement on 16th August with Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (hereinafter “NYK”), Japan’s largest shipping
company, to jointly develop bunkering boom for ammonia marine fuel.
東京貿易ホールディングス株式会社(東京都中央区京橋2-2-1 京橋エドグラン27F、代表取締役社長 坪内秀介)のグループ会社であるTBグローバルテクノロジーズ株式会社(東京都中央区京橋2-2-1 京橋エドグラン28F、代表取締役社長 Laurent Poidevin、以下TBG)は8月16日、日本の最大手海運会社である日本郵船株式会社(以下「NYK社」*)と、舶用アンモニア燃料供給用にバンカリングブームを共同開発する基本合意契約を締結いたしました。
The installation of a bunkering boom being developed by TBG on the Ammonia Bunkering Vessel (ABV) by NYK will greatly contribute to the safety and efficiency of fuel supply to ammonia-fueled ships. They are expected to become increasingly popular in the late 2020s in order to decarbonize the shipping
industry. This will be the first attempt to develop a bunkering boom for ammonia in Japan.
NYK社が開発を進めるアンモニア燃料供給船(Ammonia Bunkering Vessel, ABV)に、当社が開発を進めるバンカリングブームを搭載することにより、船舶の脱炭素化に向けて2020年代後半から普及が進むと予想されるアンモニア燃料船への燃料供給における安全性、効率性に大きく寄与いたします。アンモニア用バンカリングブームの開発は、日本初**の試みになります。
3D model of bunkering boom for ammonia
While operations with entirely by hoses tend to be less durable and reliable due to their sensitivity to torsion, this bunkering boom features a combination of reliable rigid pipes, swivel joints, and hoses for safer and more efficient cargo handling operations. It is also equipped with an Emergency Release System (ERS) that allows quick disconnection between vessels in the event of an emergency. When the ERS is
triggered, it is designed to minimize the leakage of ammonia into the sea.
Since ammonia does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2) when combusted, it is expected to be a next-generation marine fuel that contributes against global warming. Nevertheless, it is highly toxic, so leakage
prevention when used as a marine fuel is essential.
3D model of an ammonia fuel supply ship
TBG will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the energy society and provide value
to our stakeholders.
*NYK Company Profile
Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha
Head Office: Yusen Building, 2-3-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Takaya Soga, President
本社:東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目3番2号 郵船ビル
代表者:代表取締役社長 曽我貴也
TB Global Technologies Ltd. HP
About Tokyo Boeki Group
Tokyo Boeki Group is an independent corporate group consisting of 16 companies, including Tokyo Boeki Holdings Corporation (27F, 2-2-1 Kyobashi Edogrand, Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Hideshige Tsubouchi), and 15 domestic and overseas operating companies with rich individuality, and it celebrated its 75th anniversary since its establishment in 1947.
持ち株会社である東京貿易ホールディングス株式会社(東京都中央区京橋2-2-1 京橋エドグラン27F、代表取締役社長 坪内秀介)と個性豊かな国内外の15事業会社、合計16会社で構成する独立系の企業グループであり、1947年の創業から75周年を迎えました。
With the "spirit of management participated by all" as our core value, we aim to become a group that continues to provide new value to the world by synergistically enhancing the presence and competitiveness of the entire group while each group company conducts independent corporate activities.
Tokyo Boeki Group will continue to innovate under a free and vigorous culture, without fear of change, and contribute to the realization and sustainability of a better society in which all stakeholders can lead safe and secure lives, economies, and social activities.