
台湾経済部、台湾経済部国際貿易署、台湾貿易センター 「AIからリアルへ メタバースのフロンティア」を11月10日に開催

株式会社 電波新聞社 


台湾政府経済部(MOEA)、台湾経済部国際貿易署(TITA)、台湾貿易センター(TAITRA)は11月10日(金)、東京都新宿区の新宿住友ビルで「AIからリアルへ メタバースのフロンティア」と題する日台メタバース産業連携フォーラムを開催しました。
当日は有識者や日台を代表するメタバース関連事業者が最新の取り組みを紹介。幅広い業界から関連事業者ら約130人が参加し、それぞれの強みを生かして世界をリードしていく道筋について意見を交わしました。このフォーラムは日本の経済産業省に相当する台湾政府経済部と台湾貿易センターが9~11日まで同ビル三角広場で開催した「TAIWAN EXPO in日本」の一環として開催されました。「TAIWAN EXPO in日本」にはモビリティーやヘルスケアなどをテーマに135社が出展しました。

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), The International Trade Administration (TITA), and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) concluded on Nov. 10 the Japan-Taiwan metaverse industrial forum, which explored on the potentials of metaverse.
Particularly, the AI to Reality, the Edge of Metaverse the complementing strengths of Japan and Taiwanese industries to collaboration and utilize metaverse in future endeavors.
At the forum, industry players from Japan and Taiwan highlighted their latest initiatives before a jampacked audience, primarily from the AI/metaverse industry. They exchanged opinions on ways to lead the world as partners and make the most of their respective strengths.
This forum was one of the sidelights of TAIWAN EXPO in Japan, which ran from Nov. 9 to 11 at the Sankaku Hiroba (Triangular Plaza) of the Shinjuku Sumitomo Building. TAIWAN EXPO was organized by MOEA and TAITRA. TAIWAN EXPO in Japan drew 135 companies related to the fields of mobility, healthcare, and the like.


Wang, Ximeng, Deputy Secretary General of TAITRA, said in his opening address, “Taiwan has deep knowledge and history in semiconductors, and Japan in artificial intelligence (AI), games, and leading-edge robotics. Both countries are leading the world in the metaverse field.”
In addition, Ximeng expressed hope Taiwan will play a crucial role in introducing Japan’s attractive digital contents, taking advantage of its semiconductor technologies.
Furthermore, Wang stressed his commitment to strengthen the cooperative relationship with Japan.


James Lee, Senior Adviser of TAITRA, underscored how AI has paved the way for the accessibility of the metaverse, which has eventually brought changes to business models and styles.
“More importantly, metaverse does not have national borders. Which country a person comes from is not relevant. It has become difficult to determine whether the character in a content is from the physical world or AI. Thus, metaverse initiatives we can grow and work together with AI. We are about to step into a new world that AI creates. In such a world, it is important for Taiwan and Japan not only to trade each other, but also to explore new insights together.”

日本側からの基調講演ではMetaverse Japanの馬淵邦美代表理事が登壇し、次のように述べました。

Meanwhile, in a separate speech, Kunimi Mabuchi, Representative Director, Metaverse Japan, noted the depth of the collaboration of Japan and Taiwan in making breakthroughs.
“Previously, 3D models were totally constructed manually. Now, they can be constructed easily on metaverse. Although there are various technological elements, there remains a huge room to improve. I believe, together, Japan and Taiwan will be able to solve problems and make the world a better place.”


Following the keynote speeches, three metaverse companies from Japan and another three from Taiwan presented their respective leading-edge initiatives. From the Japan side, HIKKY Co., Ltd., Holoeyes Inc., and 1-10, Inc. appeared on the platform. From the Taiwan side, TG3D Studio Inc. (DMKTZ), LightMatrix Inc., and KryptoGO Co., Ltd. took the podium.

HIKKYは誰もが自由に想像し、アクセスできる開かれた仮想世界を目指すVR企業です。Vket Cloudなど独自のメタバースソリューションの提供や企画・運営するメタバースイベントなどについて紹介しました。

HIKKY Co., Ltd.
As a VR company, HIKKY Co., Ltd. aims to achieve an open virtual world wherein, where anybody can freely create and access. The company introduced original metaverse solutions, such as Vket Cloud, which it provides, and metaverse events it plans and operates.

Holoeyesは、いつでもどこでも最先端の解剖学や外科手術のテクニックを学べるHoloeyes MD、Holoeyes VS、VR医療教育プラットフォームであるHoloeyes Eduなど臨床医療や医療教育のための仮想現実ソフトウェアを紹介しました。

Holoeyes Inc.
Holoeyes Inc. introduced virtual reality (VR) software for clinical examination and treatment and medical education. VR software introduced by the company includes Holoeyes MD and Holoeyes VS that enable anybody to learn leading-edge anatomy and surgical operation techniques whenever and wherever. It also introduced Holoeyes Edu, a VR medical education platform.

ワントゥーテンは、インタラクティブなDigital Twinと現実世界との相互作用を生み出すMirror Worldプラットフォーム、対話型AIキャラクターや没入型拡張現実(XR)空間の構築など、AIとXRなどの技術を組み合わせたさまざまなAI体験を劇的に向上させる技術について説明しました。

1-10, Inc.
1-10 Inc. explained technologies that dramatically improve various AI experiences by combining AI and cross reality (XR) technologies. Moreover, the company included a Mirror World platform that creates cross interaction between an interactive digital twin and the real world, and the creation of interactive AI characters, and immersive XR space.

DMKTZは、「デジタル」と「フィジカル」を融合したPhygital 3Dファッションの共創プラットフォームを紹介しました。最新のデジタル技術を駆使したDMKTZプラットフォームを通じて、クライアントにサービスを提供。DMKTZを利用することで3D衣装の製作プロセスを簡潔化でき、世界中のファッション愛好家がクリックひとつで画像をアップロードするだけで自分ならではのデジタル衣装を作ったり、物理的に製作したりすることが可能です。

TG3D Studio Inc. (DMKTZ)
DMKTZ introduced a co-creation platform of Phygital 3D fashion, which combines “digital” and “physical.” The company provides services to clients through the DMKTZ platform that makes full use of cutting-edge digital technologies. Using DMKTZ simplifies the production process of 3D clothes. Thus, it enables fashion lovers around the world to create their own distinctive digital clothes simply by uploading images by a single click or to physically produce such clothes.


LightMatrix Inc.
LightMatrix Inc. specializes in three-dimensional (3D) display technologies. The company develops bodily sensor applications, such as 3D modeling, volumetric capture, augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR)/mixed reality (MR), and cross reality (XR). Thus, the company enables its clients to implement more creative marketing and realize business development both in virtual and real spaces.


2019年に設立され、ブロックチェーン開発チームとして台湾で初めてISOのダブル認証を取得した企業です。また日本最大のゲーム協会であるYGG Japanと提携し、プレイヤー向けにStickey Walletというブロックチェーン・ウォレットを開発、国際提携事例として注目を集めています。

KryptoGO Co., Ltd.
KryptoGO Co., Ltd. was established in 2019. The company was the first in Taiwan to become double ISO certified as a blockchain development team. Moreover, the company is in partnership with YGG Japan, the largest game guild in the country. Furthermore, it has developed a blockchain wallet called Stickey Wallet targeting players. The partnership attracts attention as an example of international alliance.





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