ソーヤ海・鈴木菜央 YouTube で22世紀と「土からの平和」、アジア学院の50年を語る。
学校法人 アジア学院アジア学院50周年記念コラボ企画。元ボランティア鈴木菜央さんと「パーマカルチャーと平和道場」に共に携わるソーヤ海さんが22世紀と「土からの平和」について語ります。
アジア学院の50周年を記念して、アジア学院の元ボランティア鈴木菜央さんが22世紀、未来を見据えた平和をお題に、深く歴史と社会課題に広がる話を展開。「パーマカルチャーと平和道場」に共に携わるソーヤ海さんと共に自身のYouTube オンラインコミュニティ「いかしあうデザインビレッジ」で、「世界の平和」をお題に、22世紀とアジア学院の「土からの平和」について語ってくれました。
アジア学院の元ボランティア鈴木菜央さん(1999年。現NPOグリーンズ共同代表 / greenz.jp 編集長 / 武蔵野大学工学部サステナビリティ学科准教授 。千葉県いすみ市在住)と、「パーマカルチャーと平和道場」に共に携わるソーヤ海さん (共生革命家。「東京アーバンパーマカルチャー」創始) が自身のYouTube オンラインコミュニティ「いかしあうデザインビレッジ」で、「世界の平和」をお題に、22世紀とアジア学院の「土からの平和」について語ってくれました。
いま、ここで平和をつくりつづける生き方 - YouTube
Nao Suzuki, former volunteer at ARI (1999. Currently Co-Chair of NPO Greens, Editor-in-Chief of greenz.jp, and Associate Professor of Sustainability at Musashino University's Faculty of Engineering, and resident of Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture), and Sawya Kai (Symbiotic Revolutionary and founder of Tokyo Urban Permaculture) spoke about "Peace from the Soil" in the 22nd century and ARI on the topic of "Peace in the World" on their YouTube online community "Ikashiaru Design Village".
How to live to continue to create peace here and now - YouTube
This project was born in the process of approaching Nao Suzuki for a collaboration project in commemoration of ARI's 50th anniversary.
The theme was peace in the 22nd century with an eye on the future, and the talk went deep into history and social issues.
Originally, we approached him for an interview, delved deeper into his story, and tried to feature it on ARI's website and SNSs, and eventurally he shared it on his own channel.
I had a meeting with Nao this time, not to "promote ARI" but to ask him to talk about an issue that he is interested in, as a case study "ARI", featuring ARI's practices.
I discussed this with him, hoping to hear a narrative that would please both those who like ARI and those who like Nao and Kai, and he responded by expressing his passion for the project.
ARI is celebrating its 50th anniversary by growing and creating a circle together, such as this collaborative project with former volunteers.