
2021/05/01  学校法人 大和学園 


学校法人大和学園では、6月よりはじまる2022年度生外国人留学生入試より出願要件(日本語能力)を一部追加。多様な日本語能力試験に対応し、外国人留学生の方が出願しやすい環境を整えます。 Taiwa Gakuen will be adding new conditions regarding the Japanese language proficiency to its application requirements for the international student entrance exam, starting with the year 2022 admission that starts in June. We will broaden the range of Japanese language proficiency exams we accept to make it easier for international students to apply.


2021年度生限りとしていた「日本語教育機関の日本語能力認定書」での証明を継続する他、新たに「法務省告示日本語教育機関において(2022年3月の時点で)6か月以上、日本語の教育を受けたもので、 JPT、J.TEST、NAT-TESTのいずれかにより日本語能力試験N3※レベル以上であることを証明できる方」を加え、多くの受験生の方が受験しやすい環境を整えております。








学校法人 大和(たいわ)学園
京都調理師専門学校 https://www.kyoto-chorishi.ac.jp/
京都製菓製パン技術専門学校 https://www.kyoto-seikagijyutsu.ac.jp/
京都ホテル観光ブライダル専門学校 https://www.kyoto-carriere.ac.jp/
京都栄養医療専門学校 https://www.kyoto-eiyoiryo.ac.jp/
事務局所在地:〒604-8006 京都府京都市中京区河原町三条上ル


Taiwa Gakuen will be adding new conditions regarding the Japanese language proficiency to its application requirements for the international student entrance exam, starting with the year 2022 admission, to make it easier for international students to apply.

In addition to retaining the acceptance of certification via a Japanese-Language Proficiency Test certificate from a Japanese language school, which was initially limited to the year 2020 admission students only, we will accept proof of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N3* or higher based on the JPT, J.TEST, or NAT-TEST exams after studying the Japanese language for at least six months (as of March 2022) at a Japanese language school designated by the Ministry of Justice. This will allow more students to take the entrance exam.
*N2 or higher will be required for courses other than the Hospitality Business Program that is exclusively for international students.

■Changes to application requirements (Japanese language proficiency)
【Hospitality Business Program】
<Before Change>
- Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N3 or higher

<After Change>
- Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N3 or higher
- Those who have attained Japanese language education for 6 months or longer (as of March 2022) at a Japanese language school designated by the Ministry of Justice AND can prove Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N3 or higher based on the JPT, J.TEST, NAT-TEST, or a Japanese language proficiency certificate from a Japanese language school

【Courses other than the Hospitality Business Program】
<Before Change>
- Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N2 or higher
- Those who scored 200 or higher on the Japanese language subject test (excluding the writing section) of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
- Those who scored 420 or higher on the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)

<After Change>
- Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N2 or higher
- Those who scored 200 or higher on the Japanese language subject test (excluding writing) of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
- Those who scored 420 or higher on the Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)
- Those who have attained Japanese language education for 6 months or longer (as of March 2022) at a Japanese language school designated by the Ministry of Justice AND can prove Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N2 or higher based on the JPT, J.TEST, NAT-TEST, or a Japanese language proficiency certificate from a Japanese language school

■About JPT


【About Taiwa Gakuen Education Inc.】
Taiwa Gakuen Education Inc.
-Kyoto Culinary Art College https://www.kyoto-chorishi.ac.jp/
-Kyoto Pastry & Bakery Art College https://www.kyoto-seikagijyutsu.ac.jp/
-Kyoto College of Hotel, Tourism & Bridal Management https://www.kyoto-carriere.ac.jp/
-Kyoto College of Nutritional & Medical Sciences https://www.kyoto-eiyoiryo.ac.jp/

Office Address: Sanjo-agaru, Kawaramachi,Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8006 Japan
Phone: +81-75-241-0891 (General Inquiries)

