デジタルアセットマーケッツ、Ava Labsとリアルワールドアセット(RWA)トークンの発行・流通の促進と個人情報のオンチェーン活用技術におけるインフラ構築での連携に関する基本合意書締結(JP/EN)

2024/07/25  株式会社 デジタルアセットマーケッツ 


株式会社デジタルアセットマーケッツ(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:西本一也、以下「デジタルアセットマーケッツ」)は、「Avalanche」ブロックチェーンで開発を行っているソフトウェア会社Ava Labs Inc.(本社:アメリカ ニューヨーク州、CEO Emin Gün Sirer 以下「Ava Labs」)と基本合意書を締結したことをお知らせします。本合意書により、デジタルアセットマーケッツはAva Labsの日本国内パートナーとして、「Avalancheサブネット」と「AvaCloud」等を活用した現実世界の資産をブロックチェーン上でトークン化するRWAトークン(ジパングコイン等)の発行支援・流通の促進や個人情報のオンチェーン活用におけるインフラ構築を推進してまいります。


このたび、Avalancheブロックチェーンの大手ソフトウェア開発会社Ava Labsと、「Avalancheサブネット」と「AvaCloud」を活用した当社のRWAトークン(ジパングコイン含む)の発行支援・流通の促進や個人情報のオンチェーン活用技術のインフラ構築を目的とした基本合意書を締結しました。



Ava Labsについて
Ava Labsは、Avalancheのイノベーションに基づき、Web3向けの高性能なソリューションの導入を支援しています。同社はコーネル大学のコンピュータ科学者によって設立され、ウォール街の専門家やWeb3の初期リーダーたちと提携し、オープンなパーミッションレス・ネットワークの構築と利用方法を再定義するという有望なビジョンを掲げています。Ava Labsは、人々がWeb3で価値を創造する方法を再定義しています。



Digital Asset Markets Signs a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)with blockchain service provider Ava Labs to facilitate the issuance and distribution of real-world asset (RWA) tokens using the Avalanche blockchain and to build an infrastructure supporting the on-chain use of personal information.
Digital Asset Markets Inc. (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Kazuya Nishimoto, hereafter referred to as "Digital Asset Markets") is pleased to announce that it signed Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") with Ava Labs (HQ:New York, USA; CEO:Emin Gün Sirer ; hereafter referred to as "Ava Labs"), developer of the Avalanche blockchain.

Digital Asset Markets plans to support the issuance of RWA tokens, such as Zipangcoin issued by Mitsui & Co. Digital Commodities, Ltd, and conduct distribution business through Crypto asset exchanges, with further plans to develop on-chain utilization technology for personal information, which is the last one-mile problem for the social infrastructure of blockchain.
We have signed MOU with Ava Labs, the leading software company developing on the Avalanche blockchain, to support the issuance and distribution of our RWA tokens(including Zipangcoin)and to build an infrastructure for technology to utilize on-chain personal information.

AvaCloud is Ava Labs managed blockchain service for deploying and scaling fully managed custom blockchains offering configurable fee structures, EVM compatibility, proprietary tokens, flexibility in blockchain formats, and interoperability with public chains.
AvaCloud allows businesses to build and operate their own blockchain with no code, without the need to deposit cryptographic assets normally required for blockchain startup, and with only a monthly fee payment in legal tender, the same as for general cloud services. This is a fully managed service.

With the conclusion of this MOU, we will work with Ava Labs to lower the hurdles for enterprise and users to utilize blockchain technology, and to build an infrastructure environment in the technology to support the issuance and distribution of RWA tokens and on-chain utilization of personal information, with the aim of creating a social infrastructure for blockchain technology.
About Ava Labs
Ava Labs makes it simple to deploy high-performance solutions for Web3, led by innovations on Avalanche. The company was founded by Cornell computer scientists, who partnered with Wall Street veterans and early Web3 leaders to execute a promising vision for redefining the way people build and use open, permissionless networks. Ava Labs is redefining the way people create value with Web3.

Company Information
Digital Asset Markets aims to become a "platformer supporting next-generation digital swaps," contributing to the development of economic and social activities through digital assets.

