
2024/07/18  株式会社 biomy 

病理画像と空間トランスクリプトーム1)のAI解析分野で高い技術を有する株式会社biomy(本社 東京都中央区、代表取締役社長 小西哲平、以下当社)は株式会社新日本科学(本社 鹿児島県鹿児島市、代表取締役会長兼社長:永田良一、以下新日本科学社)との資本提携契約を締結しました。これまでの累計調達額は約92百万円になります。


近年、がん免疫療法や分子標的治療の進展に伴い、薬剤の有効性や患者さんの予後において、腫瘍周囲を構成する「がん微小環境(TME)」が重要であることが明らかになっています。特に、当社は患者さんごとのTMEを構成する様々な免疫細胞の空間情報に焦点を当てています。TMEには数万から数十万の細胞が広がっており、これらを識別し、空間情報を定量化・解釈することは日常診療において困難です。当社は、独自の病理AI技術を活用してこれらの細胞を識別/定量化する技術を有しており、新たな有効性指標の確立や患者層別化のための研究を行っています。近年では病理画像と空間トランスクリプトームを組み合わせた解析技術も開発しています。また、当社は、病理画像AIの第一人者である東京大学大学院医学系研究科衛生学分野 石川俊平教授との共同研究により解析のアルゴリズムを開発しています。
また、当社は令和6年度「経済産業省 成長型中小企業等研究開発支援事業(Go-Tech事業)」に「生成AIを活用した病理画像と空間トランスクリプトームデータの統合解析プラットフォーム開発」という研究テーマが採択されており、東京大学、バイオ産業情報化コンソーシアムと共に研究開発を推進してまいります。補助総額は約95百万円になります。
- 経済産業省 関東経済産業局(2024年6月24日 発表) 令和6年度成長型中小企業等研究開発支援事業(Go-Tech事業)の公募の採択が決定しました:https://www.kanto.meti.go.jp/seisaku/sapoin/r6fy_go-tech_saitaku1.html


- 1) 空間トランスクリプトームは、組織内の特定の位置での遺伝子発現を測定する技術です。従来のトランスクリプトーム解析は、組織全体からRNAを抽出して平均的な遺伝子発現を測定しますが、空間トランスクリプトームでは、組織の微細構造を保ちながら、特定の細胞や区域ごとの遺伝子発現を解析します。
- 2) DeepPathFinderは研究用途での利用に限ります

代表取締役社長:小西 哲平


Biomy, Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Teppei Konishi; hereinafter referred to as "our company"), which boasts advanced technology in the AI analysis of pathological images and spatial transcriptomics, has concluded a capital alliance agreement with Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories, Ltd. (Headquarters: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture; Representative Chairman, President and CEO: Ryoichi Nagata; hereinafter referred to as "SNBL"). The total amount raised to date is approximately 92 million yen.

SNBL, the underwriter of this agreement, is Japan's first nonclinical contract research organization (CRO) founded in 1957. As the only company in Japan capable of handling all stages of pharmaceutical development, including basic research and drug discovery, SNBL is committed to supporting partner companies in new drug development. This partnership is expected to generate significant business synergies, not only by deploying our technologies but also in new business development.

Our company aims to realize personalized medicine through pathological AI technology. Our pathological AI software, "DeepPathFinder," is utilized by pharmaceutical companies and research institutions.

In recent years, with the advancement of cancer immunotherapy and molecular targeted therapy, the importance of the "tumor microenvironment (TME)," which constitutes the area surrounding the tumor, has become clear in terms of drug efficacy and patient prognosis. We particularly focus on the spatial information of various immune cells that make up the TME for each patient. The TME consists of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of cells, making it challenging to identify and quantify this spatial information in routine clinical practice. Our company possesses unique pathological AI technology to identify and quantify these cells and conducts research to establish new efficacy indicators and patient stratification. Recently, we have also developed analysis technology combining pathological images with spatial transcriptomics. Additionally, we are developing analysis algorithms through joint research with Professor Shumpei Ishikawa of the Department of Hygiene, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, a leading expert in pathological image AI.
With the funds raised this time, we will promote the development of pathological AI software and strengthen our sales structure both domestically and internationally.
Furthermore, our research theme, "Development of an Integrated Analysis Platform for Pathological Images and Spatial Transcriptome Data Using Generative AI," has been selected for the "Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's FY2024 Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprise R&D Support Project (Go-Tech Project)." We will promote research and development in collaboration with The University of Tokyo and the Bio-Industrial Information Consortium. The total subsidy amount is approximately 95 million yen.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (Announcement on June 24, 2024): The FY2024 Growth-Oriented Small and Medium Enterprise R&D Support Project (Go-Tech Project) has been selected: https://www.kanto.meti.go.jp/seisaku/sapoin/r6fy_go-tech_saitaku1.html
Our company will continue to advance research and development aiming for the realization of personalized medicine through AI.

- 1) Spatial transcriptomics is a technology that measures gene expression at specific locations within tissues. While conventional transcriptomics analysis measures the average gene expression by extracting RNA from the entire tissue, spatial transcriptomics analyzes gene expression in specific cells or regions while preserving the tissue's microstructure.
2) DeepPathFinder is for research use only.

Company Profile
Company Name: Biomy, Inc.
Address: 3-8-3 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
CEO: Teppei Konishi
URL: https://www.biomy-tech.com/

Press Contact for this Release
Biomy, Inc.
E-mail: info@biomy-tech.com
