
2023/05/10  ナイトライド・セミコンダクター 株式会社 


弊社は、波長385nmの紫外線LED (以下UV-LED)上に、100nmサイズの微細加工を施したフォトニック結晶(Photonic crystal 以下PhC)を作製し、光閉じ込め効果を確認しました。フォトニック結晶とは、屈折率が周期的に変化する構造で、光を小さな領域に閉じ込め、光と物質の相互作用を高めることに利用されています。光の波長に適合したサイズの周期構造を人工的に作れば、通常の物資では不可能な光学的性質を持つメタ物質を実現することができます。近年、半導体微細加工技術の進歩により、光スイッチ、レーザ、光メモリ、レーザ光源といった光デバイスに於いて、低消費電力での基本動作が確認されています。

                    PRESS RELEASE
                                        代表取締役 村本 宜彦
 弊社は、波長385nmの紫外線LED(以下UV-LED)上に100nmサイズの微細加工を施したPhotonic Crystalフォトニック結晶(以下PhC)の開発に成功し、光閉じ込め効果を確認しましたので、ご報告申し上げます。





    On the 385nm UV-LED chip, PhC emits light by confining white light (when power is off)

              Press Release
To members of the media
                                        May 10, 2020
                                   Nitride Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
                                      Founder, President & CEO
                                        Yoshihiko Muramoto
We have succeeded to develop the Photonic Crystal (hereinafter referred to as PhC) on which 100 nm size nanofabrication is performed on an ultraviolet LED (hereinafter referred to as UV-LED) with a wavelength of 385nm. We confirmed the light confinement effect of the PhC.

◆ Background
A photonic crystal is a structure in which the refractive index changes periodically and is used to confine light in a small area and enhance the interaction between light and matter. By artificially creating a periodic structure with a size that matches the wavelength of light, it is possible to realize metamaterials with optical properties that are not possible with ordinary materials. In recent years, due to advances in semiconductor microfabrication technology, basic operation with low power consumption has been confirmed in optical devices such as optical switches, lasers, optical memories, and laser light sources.
(Refer to NTT R&D website)

◆ Significance
Light from a light-emitting diode (hereinafter referred to as LED) is emitted from the active layer, and the light is emitted 360 degrees in all directions, so the reflector structure inside the chip extracts the light from the front. The LED chip is mounted in a cup-shaped package, and an optical lens narrows the directional angle to control the irradiation range. UV rays are absorbed by resin and glass, so optical lenses with high UV transmittance, such as quartz, are used. Therefore, there is a long-awaited UV-LED that controls the directivity angle without using a lens.

◆ Application
UV-LED is expected to replace ultraviolet (mercury) lamps as a clean light source for semiconductor manufacturing that does not contain harmful substances. By applying photonic crystal processing to UV-LEDs, highly efficient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly UV light sources can be realized. In addition, as a light source for micro-LED displays, which have been actively developed in recent years, the development of full-color displays by combining UV-LEDs and RGB phosphors is progressing. Optical lens control of the light emitted by a micro-sized UV-LED chip not only increases the cost, but also makes it difficult to fabricate a fine lens array. Therefore, by using photonic crystals, light can be controlled efficiently at low cost.
In addition to UV-LEDs, by applying photonic crystal processing to blue LEDs that are applied to LED lighting, it is possible to realize lighting with higher brightness and lower power consumption than current LED lighting at a low cost.

