3月30日(土) - 作ルヒト食ベルヒト - 農家さんとあすの食卓シンポジウムにアジア学院校長荒川朋子が登壇

2024/03/26  学校法人 アジア学院 


3月30日(土)13時から栃木県大田原市生涯学習センターで、- 作ルヒト食ベルヒト - 農家さんとあすの食卓シンポジウムが催されます。アジア学院校長荒川朋子、古谷慶一古谷農産会長、中下裕子ダイオキシン・環境ホルモン対策国民会議代表理事が登壇しご来場の方々と語り合います。

未来の地球環境と豊かな食を守るために、今からできることを作る人と食べる人、みんなが一緒に考えるシンポジウムとして- 作ルヒト食ベルヒト - 農家さんとあすの食卓シンポジウムが催されます。
日時:2024年3月30日(土)13:00-15:00 (開場12:30)
場所:栃木県大田原市生涯学習センター 研修室D
申込方法:(1) チラシのQRコード (2) 070-8967-2830にショートメール (3) iine.organic.nasu@gmail.comにメール
主催:いいね!オーガニック 那須の子ども有機給食をすすめる会

March 30 (Sat) - Tomoko Arakawa, Director of ARI, speaks at a Symposium "Farmers and Tomorrow's Table"

The Japanese government has set a plan to increase the cultivated land for organic farming in Japan to 1 million hectares by 2050, 40 times the current level.
There is a serious shortage of bearers in agriculture, and the increase in abandoned farmland has become a social problem in Japan.
If this situation continues, farmers may disappear before more land is cultivated for organic farming.
To protect the global environment and abundant food for the future, a symposium will be held to discuss what can be done now by both farmers and eaters to protect the global environment and abundant food.
Tomoko Arakawa will speak at the symposium as the Director of ARI, a learning center for world rural leaders which practices "Peace from the Soil" under the motto "To Live Together". She will be joined with Keiichi Furuya, Chairman of Furuya Agricultural Products, and Hiroko Nakashita, Representative Director of the National Council against Dioxin and Environmental Hormone, to discuss with those in attendance.
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2024, 13:00-15:00 (doors open 12:30)
Place: Training Room D, Ohtawara City Shogai Gakushu Center, Tochigi Prefecture
Admission: Free

