10代のピアニストを支援するアカデミープログラム:第一期修了 [(株)ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所]

2021/08/25  株式会社 ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 

News & Information




ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 10代のピアニストを支援するアカデミープログラム:第一期修了
- 2021年11月8日に「ピアノアカデミー 第一期生 修了コンサート」を開催 -

株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所(代表取締役社長、所長:北野宏明 以下、ソニーCSL)では、10代のピアニストを対象とした身体教育と芸術教育を包括的に提供するアカデミープログラム(以下、本プログラム)を2020年8月より展開しており、この度第一期が終了しました。


本プログラム一期目の修了を発表する場として、1年間の教育・トレーニングを実施してきた第一期生のジュニアピアニスト9名、ならびに本プログラムの音楽ディレクターであるディーナ・ヨッフェ(Dina Yoffe)氏と第一期生を指導したアシスタント講師らが演奏を行う「ピアノアカデミー 第一期生 修了コンサート」を11月8日に開催します。1年間のプログラムを修了した一期生の成長とともに、世界の第一線で活躍するヨッフェ氏のピアノをご鑑賞ください。

【ミュージック・エクセレンス・プロジェクト アカデミープログラム概要】


身体教育では、演奏の熟達支援と身体故障予防のための研究・開発をもとにした身体教育プログラム「Physical Education for Artist Curriculum (PEAC)」を活用することで、脳や身体の働き(機能)や適切な身体の使い方(技能)、効果的な練習法、怪我や心理不安の予防法などを学びます。高精度センシングシステムを用いることにより、受講生の動きの癖や演奏中の姿勢、感覚運動機能などの認識を促したり、神経科学の知見に基づいた効率の良い暗譜の方法や、演奏時の不要な力みの回避方法などを指導します。

また、芸術教育では世界的ピアニスト ディーナ・ヨッフェ氏と国際舞台で経験豊富な6名の講師により、音楽に関する国際標準の解釈や、音楽表現の学習と探求を支援します。 演奏家を志すピアニストは、これらの取り組みを通じて10代のうちに身体的な基礎力を身につけることや、芸術的な表現を学べるようになります。さらに、自身の思考や創造のための模索を育む時間が確保できるようになることから、音楽表現の能力拡張へも寄与します。




なお、本プログラム第一期生の大滝知椰さんと木本侑希さんが、第5回テルアビブ国際ピアノコンクール Solo Advanced部門で第1位と第2位を受賞しました。両名とも今回が国際コンクール初の入賞でした。


古屋 晋一シニアリサーチャーのコメント

【ピアノアカデミー 第一期生 修了コンサート 概要】

日時:2021年11月8日(月)開場16:00 開演16:30(19:30終演予定)
料金(税込):一般 3,000円 学生(高校生以下) 1000円
チケット:チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999 / https://pia.jp/t/【Pコード:201-315】


協力:株式会社 河合楽器製作所、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)



【ピアノアカデミー 第二期概要】

音楽ディレクター: ディーナ・ヨッフェ
アシスタント講師: 尾崎有飛、鯛中卓也、西尾真実、松下寛子、吉岡由衣、吉武優
講師: 山本有宗(KAWAI Europe)
テクニカルサポート: 小笠原佑樹、奥貴紀、黒宮可織、西岡勇人、平野雅人(ソニーCSL)
オーガナイザー: 古屋晋一(ソニーCSL)


期間:2021年9月 ~ 2022年8月(予定)
協力:株式会社 河合楽器製作所、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)

リガ(ラトビア)出身。チャイコフスキー記念国立モスクワ音楽院においてヴェラ・ゴルノスタエヴァに師事。シューマンおよびショパン国際ピアノコンクールで最上位を獲得。ヨーロッパをはじめ日本、アメリカ、イスラエルなど世界各地で演奏活動を行う。これまでにズービン・メータ指揮イスラエル・フィルハーモニー、ネヴィル・マリナー指揮NHK交響楽団など多くのオーケストラと協演。また室内楽にも積極的で、世界各地の音楽祭に参加しY. バシュメット、M. ヴァイマンなどの演奏家とも数多く共演している。現在はマラガ国際音楽フェスティバル芸術監督、リセウ音楽院(バルセロナ)特別教授、中央音楽学院(中国) 客員教授。また、国際ピアノコンクール審査委員も多数務める。日本ピアノ教育連盟名誉会員。2021年第18回ショパン国際ピアノコンクール審査員。

大阪大学 基礎工学部卒業後、同大学大学院 人間科学研究科、医学系研究科を経て、博士(医学)を取得。ミネソタ大学 神経科学部、ハノーファー音楽演劇大学 音楽生理学・音楽家医学研究所にて勤務した後、上智大学 理工学部 准教授。同大学 音楽医科学研究センター センター長、ハノーファー音楽演劇大学 客員教授を兼務。京都市立芸術大学、東京音楽大学、エリザベト音楽大学にて非常勤講師。2017年4月よりソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所アソシエートリサーチャー、2021年より現職。日本学術振興会 特別研究員および海外特別研究員。フンボルト財団ポストドクトラルフェロー。ドイツ研究振興会(DFG)ハイゼンベルグフェロー。文部科学省 卓越研究員。2020年にクラインフォーゲルバッハ賞を受賞。主なピアノ演奏歴に、KOBE国際音楽コンクール入賞、 Ernet Bloch音楽祭出演,兵庫県立美術館ソロリサイタルなど。

株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 広報窓口 csl-pr@csl.sony.co.jp

News & Information

Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

3-14-13, Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022 Japan

August 25, 2021

Sony Computer Science Laboratories
Completes the inaugural class of the Academy Program for young pianists
- First Commemorative Concert to be held on November 8, 2021 -

Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (President and CEO: Hiroaki Kitano; hereafter referred to as Sony CSL) today announced the completion of the inaugural class of the Academy Program that offers a comprehensive combination of physical education and arts education to young pianists. Sony CSL launched the Academy Program in August 2020.

Using state-of-the-art physical and art education, the Academy Program precludes the buildup of negative pressures and enables a pianist to focus on the pursuit of outstanding musicality. It is the world’s first piano education program that enables young musicians to pursue excellence in musical expression and the sustainable development of skills as they pursue artistic maturity.

To mark the end of the Academy Program’s inaugural class, a commemorative concert will be held on November 8. It will feature performances from the nine pianists in the class, who have now undergone a full year of training and education, and their teachers: the Program’s Musical Director, Dina Yoffe, and her assistant lecturers who taught the class. You will be able to see how much the young artists have grown over the past year, as well as to enjoy the piano performance of Dina Yoffe, a world-class master of the piano, on this occasion.

The Music Excellence Project Academy Program

The Academy Program, announced on July 30, 2020, constitute a part of the Music Excellence Project created by Shinichi Furuya, a senior researcher at Sony CSL. By providing both physical and artistic education to young teenage pianists, the goal of the program is to ensure that each pianist will be able to continue creative and lively performances over the course of a lifetime, thereby contributing to the sustainability of a culturally enriched society.

The Physical Education Program utilizes the Physical Education for Artists Curriculum (PEAC), which is based on research and development to support proficiency in performance and to prevent physical injuries. This enables students to learn how the brain and body work (functions), how to make the best use of the body (skills), how to prevent both injury and the psychological stress that comes with failing to perform. To guide students to an awareness of their movement habits and posture during a performance, cutting-edge, high-precision sensing technologies are used to evaluate skills. In addition, students are guided how to memorize music efficiently based on neuroscience findings and how to avoid unnecessary straining during performance.

The Arts Education Program offers a world-class education, featuring the globally renowned pianist Dina Yoffe as Musical Director and lessons from six highly accomplished pianists who perform internationally. Learning directly from Dina Yoffe will greatly accelerate the development of teen pianists as they explore their musical potential. Through this program, pianists with professional ambitions will develop a robust physical foundation and master various forms of artistic expression while still in their teens. They will also be able to cultivate new ways of thinking and explore their creativity, key factors in the development of their musicality.

Through the comprehensive implementation of this physical education program (PEAC) and arts education program, the Academy Program strives to help pianists achieve their dreams, while systematically identifying issues and solutions that become clear during training. Also, the program aims to address such issues in order to succeed tacit knowledge and to create a seamless cycle of research and development.

The inaugural class of students in this one-year program improved their musicality and learned effective and appropriate methods of using their bodies and practicing. Even in arts education, where it could be difficult to use words to explain, the students overcame challenges efficiently with the help of advices based on scientific evidence. The assistant lecturers who taught the students commented, “Because the students were evaluated in various different ways, they learned how to think for themselves.” “It’s very important for them to be able to focus on how to play while they are still in their teens, when they need to play a lot of new music.”

Furthermore, members of this inaugural class - Tomoya Otaki and Yuki Kimoto - won the first and second prizes at the 5th Tel Aviv International Piano Competition. This is the first time for both of them to be awarded in an international competition.

The Academy Program’s second year class will begin in September 2021.

Comment from Shinichi Furuya, Senior Researcher

What our Academy have been working on for the past year is co-creation. Our musical director Dina Joffe, assistant lecturers, talented students, and people at Sony CSL have worked together to create harmonies between arts education and physical education. Through the co-creation, we have discovered that there is still so much room for growth in the education and the training we offer. My hope is that this concert will give you a sense of the young artist who continue to evolve together, taking on the challenge to break through their apparent limitations.

Piano Academy Inaugural Year Commemorative Concert

When: November 8, 2021 (Mon) 16:30 Doors open at 16:00, expected finish 19:30
Where: Hamarikyu Asahi Hall
General Admission: ¥3,000 Student (high school or younger): ¥1,000 (tax included)
Tickets will go on sale August 25 (Wed) and will be available for purchase through the Ticket Pia service
[Japanese only]: 0570-02-9999 | https://pia.jp/t | P-Code: 201-315

Musical Director: Dina Yoffe
Assistant Lecturers: Yuhi Ozaki, Takuya Tainaka, Mami Nishio, Hiroko Matsushita, Yui Yoshioka, Masaru Yoshitake
Piano Academy Inaugural Class: Riko Ando, Tomoya Otaki, Yuuki Kimoto, Aiko Shimada, Rin Suzuki, Yuu Matsuoka, Yuuto Yamazaki, Kisara Yonemitsu, Kotaro Watanabe

Hosted by Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.
Sponsored by NeuroPiano
With the cooperation of the Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

For more details, please visit this website.
*Please be aware that the details of the concert are subject to change. Check the above website for the most up-to-date information.

Piano Academy: Second Year

Academy Program Staff & Roles
Musical Director: Dina Yoffe
Assistant Lecturers: Yuhi Ozaki, Takuya Tainaka, Mami Nishio, Hiroko Matsushita, Yui Yoshioka, Masaru Yoshitake
Lecturer: Arimune Yamamoto (Kawai Europe)
Technical Support: Yuki Ogasawara, Takanori Oku, Kaori Kuromiya, Hayato Nishioka, Masato Hirano (Sony CSL)
Organizer: Shinichi Furuya (Sony CSL)

Students (Year 2) (Selected by audition*)
Tomoya Otaki, Shintaro Kida, Yuuki Kimoto, Nanase Koyama, Rin Suzuki, Kantaro Narita, Riona Yamauchi, Yuto Yamazaki, Yurina Yamashita, Kotaro Watanabe

Term: 2021 September – 2022 August (expected)
With the cooperation of the Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
*The next round of auditions has not yet been scheduled.

About Professor Dina Yoffe

Originally from Riga, Latvia. Studied under Prof. Vera Gornostaev at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow. Top-prize winner at the Schumann and Chopin International Piano Competitions. Has performed at international music festivals around the world, including in Europe, Japan, the United States, and Israel. Has given concerts with numerous outstanding orchestras, notably the Israel Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta and the Japanese Radio Orchestra NHK under Neville Marriner. Also an active participants in chamber music festivals, where she has played with many internationally renowned musicians such as Yuri Bashmet and Michael Vaiman. Currently Artistic Director of the Musical Summer International Music Festival & Masterclasses in Malaga, Distinguished Professor at the Conservatory Liceu in Barcelona, and Visiting Professor at the Central Conservatory of Music in China. Has served on the jury of many international piano competitions. Honorary member of the Japan Piano Teachers Assocation. Judge at the 18th Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition (2021).

About Senior Researcher Shinichi Furuya

Studied mechanical engineering (BSc), human science (MS), and medical sciences (PhD) at Osaka University. After fellowships at the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota and the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, became an associate professor in the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Sophia University in Japan. Also served as director of Sophia University’s Music Skill and Injury Center and guest professor at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, as well as a lecturer at Kyoto City University of Arts, Tokyo College of Music, and Elisabeth University of Music. Joined Sony Computer Science Laboratories in April 2017 as an associate researcher, assumed current position in 2021. Recipient of a special research fellowship and an overseas research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, a fellowship for postdoctoral researchers from the Humboldt Foundtation, a Heisenberg Fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and a LEADER award from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). In 2020, was awarded the Klein-Vogelbach Prize. An accomplished pianist who has performed at the Kobe International Music Contest (winning a prize) and the Ernest Bloch Muisc Competiton, and given a solo recital at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art.

Media inquiries:Corporate Communications, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
