創造性の加速を支援する新たなシステム、「Tomonami(トモナミ)」を開発 [(株)ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所]

2023/11/24  株式会社 ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 

News & Information




~ 陶芸作家の𠮷田幸央氏との取り組みによる展示会を開催 ~

株式会社ソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所(代表取締役社長、所長:北野宏明 以下、ソニーCSL)は、創造性の加速を支援する新たなシステム「Tomonami(トモナミ)」を開発しました。Tomonamiはアレクシー・アンドレ研究員による「Creativity Acceleration(創造性の加速)」の研究を通じて創出されたもので、アーティストに対してカスタマイズされた形で提供するものです。

Tomonami操作画面 / Tomonamiを活用して制作した作品


アーティストはこの空間をパラメータを操作することで探索します。Tomonamiを使うことで、アーティストが自律的に選択肢を探り、選択肢から 芸術感覚、センスで採用可否を評価、判断しながら、短時間にアイディアを創出できるようになります。この創作過程の試行錯誤というサイクルを高速化させるプロセスこそがTomonamiのコアであり、アーティスト自身が想像しえなかった新たな創作につながるものです。



「アレクシー・アンドレ×𠮷田幸央 創造性の加速展」

期間2023年11月24日(金) ~ 2024年11月30日(金) 10:00 ~ 17:00
(24日は15:00 ~ 17:00、30日は10:00 ~ 15:00)

場所錦山窯 ギャラリースペース「嘸旦 MUTAN」

料金入場無料 (事前予約制)



1997 国際色絵陶磁器コンペティション97九谷準大賞
1999 国際陶芸ビエンナーレ99特別賞
2009 伝統九谷焼工芸展大賞
2010 日本伝統工芸展高松宮記念賞
2013 現代の日本工芸展(米国森上博物館)
2014 第19回MOA岡田茂吉賞展(熱海市MOA美術館)
2020 Kogei2020 (東京国立博物館表慶館)
2022 未来へつなぐ陶芸-伝統工芸のチカラ展(パナソニック汐留美術館・国立工芸館・その他)



2009年よりソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所リサーチャー。最新のデジタルメディアを応用することで、これまでにない創作活動を探求しており、自身もジェネレーティブ アーティストとして活動している。研究成果は山口情報芸術センターYCAMおよびアメリカのCG関連学会SIGGRAPHでも展示され、オープンリール・アンサンブルから三宅一生プロデュースの青森大学男子新体操部に至るまで、数々のアーティストらとコラボを行っている。ソニーの体験型トイ・プラットフォームtoioの発案者でもある。現在はソニーコンピュータサイエンス研究所 - パリにて活動中。

伝統工芸の素晴らしさは作家が長年継承し、培ってきた技術に支えられていることはもちろんですが、同時にその作家の創造性が問われることでもあります。九谷焼を代表する窯元、錦山窯 四代代表の𠮷田氏が私の想いに共感し、このシステムについて共に検討していただけたことを大変喜ばしく感じています。今回の活動を皮切りに、創造性とは何か、アートの価値はどこにあるのか、アーティストの皆様とともにさらなる研究を続けていきたいと考えています。』


News & Information

Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

November 24, 2023

Sony Computer Science Laboratories Develops "Tomonami,"
A New System That Supports Creativity Acceleration
- Holds exhibition of works created in collaboration with ceramic artist Yukio Yoshita -

Tokyo, Japan - Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. (President and CEO: Hiroaki Kitano; hereafter referred to as Sony CSL) has developed “Tomonami,” a new system that supports creativity acceleration. Tomonami was conceived by researcher Alexis André from his work on creativity acceleration, and is available in forms that are created for individual artists.
An exhibition of works created in collaboration with ceramic artist Yukio Yoshita will be held from today to show the first results yielded using Tomonami.

The Tomonami operating screen / A piece created using Tomonami

The first creations of art using Tomonami begin with researcher Alexis André tapping his own experience as an artist while gaining an understanding of creativity through dialog with an artist. Characteristic features of an artist’s expression are uniquely extracted from the artist’s past work, and then reflected in the form of parameters in the user interface of originally developed software, to provide a space for the artist to explore their creativity.

The artist explores this space by manipulating the parameters. The artist can use Tomonami to generate ideas in a short period of time (creating choices autonomously), and then use the artist’s own artistic sensibilities and taste to evaluate them and determine whether or not to adopt them. This acceleration of the trial-and-error cycle of the creative process is the core of Tomonami, and leads to new creations that the artists themselves could not have imagined.

Yukio Yoshita provided advice to Alexis André based on his own creative activities, and has given his support from Tomonami’s conceptual phase through its development. A collection of works that Yoshita created using Tomonami will be displayed at the exhibition.

The name "Tomonami" combines the Japanese words "tomo" (friend) and "nami" (wave) and includes co-creation in its meaning. It expresses the artist using the technology and Alexis André understanding each other in close proximity like friends, thereby charting a new future where research and art combine to form a wave.

Exhibition "Alexis André x Yoshida Yukio, Accelerating Creativity"

Dates : November 24, 2023 (Friday) - November 30, 2024 (Friday)

Opening hours : 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(On the 24th, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and on the 30th, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM)

Location: Kinzan Kiln Gallery Space "Mutan"
(to-18, takando-machi, Komatsu-city, Ishikawa Prefecture, 923-0031, Japan)

Admission: Free (Reservation required)

*Advance reservation is necessary to attend.
Please check the details on the following website:https://mutangallery.com/

Remarks by Yukio Yoshita
"Even though my own creative process became more complicated and production took a huge amount of time, the two years of trial and error that I shared with the people at Sony CSL were like a thrilling return to my childhood days. At the same time, this valuable experience also gave me a strong sense that we are standing on the verge of a new relationship between technology and traditional handicrafts. In addition, the long hours of discussions in a language unfamiliar to me were, aside from the research objectives, actually very meaningful toward clarifying my own pottery making process, and I’d like to express my gratitude for that. I’d also like to once again show respect for Alexis André, who never said "No," and let me have my way as he gracefully manipulated his computer beside me, as well as everyone at Sony CSL who provided me with this stimulating opportunity."

About Yukio Yoshita
The fourth of the Kinzan Kiln, is a ceramic artist.

1997: The Semi-Grand Prize in the Kutani international decorative ceramics competition ’97
1999: The Special Prize in the International Ceramic Biennale ’99
2009: The Grand Prize in the Traditional Kutani Ware Crafts Exhibition
2010: Awarded Prince Takamatsu Memorial Prize of Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
2013: Contemporary KŌGEI Styles in Japan (Morikami Museum, USA),
From Crafts to Kogei In Commemoration of the 60th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
(The National Crafts Museum)
2014: The 19th MOA Mokichi Okada Award Exhibition (MOA Museum of Art, Atami City)
2020: Kogei 2020 <The Art of Crafting Beauty from Nature>
(Hyokeikan, Tokyo National Museum)
2022: Ceramics of the Past and the Future: The Timelessness of Traditional Japanese Craft Arts
(Panasonic Shiodome Museum, The National Crafts Museum, and others)

Remarks by Alexis André
"Tomonami was born out of the desire to open up new visions by accelerating the creativity of artists. What makes traditional crafts great is, of course, the fact that artists have inherited them over many years while enjoying the support of the techniques that have been cultivated along the way, but also the fact that all the while, the creativity of these artists is tested. I am so happy that Mr. Yoshita, the fourth-generation delegate of Kinzangama, a leading Kutani ware kiln, shared my passion and studied this system with me. I hope that these activities will be the beginning of ongoing research with artists into the questions of what creativity is, and where the value in art lies."

About Alexis André
André has been a researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories since 2009. He explores unprecedented creative activities by applying the latest digital media and works as a generative artist himself. His work has been shown at the Yamaguchi Centre for Arts and Media (YCAM) and the US computer graphics conference SIGGRAPH, and he has been working with various artists, from Open Reel Ensemble to Issey Miyake produced Aomori University Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics team, creating interactive displays of the performance. He also invented Sony’s interactive toy platform, toio. He is currently based at Sony Computer Science Laboratories - Paris.

Media inquiries:Corporate Communications, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

